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Resumen de Development of e-Learning Solutions: Different Approaches, a Common Mission

Juan Manuel Dodero Beardo Árbol académico, Francisco José García Peñalvo Árbol académico, Carina Soledad González González Árbol académico, Pablo Moreno Ger Árbol académico, Miguel Ángel Redondo Duque Árbol académico, Antonio Sarasa Cabezuelo Árbol académico, José Luis Sierra Rodríguez Árbol académico

  • As result of the discussions maintained at the panel session on Software Development for e-Learning of the third workshop on software engineering for e-Learning (ISELEAR'12), several points of view emerged regarding the conception, development, and maintenance of e-Learning solutions. This paper summarizes and confronts these points of view: 1) automated approaches; 2) combination of different methodologies; 3) emphasis on human and social aspects; 4) domain-specific development approaches, 5) model-driven/language-driven development and system integration approaches, and 6) grammar-oriented development. While these points of view support different approaches to the engineering process, all of them share a common goal: to facilitate the development of complex e-Learning applications and solutions by multidisciplinary teams of software developers, instructors, domain experts, students, and final users.

Fundación Dialnet

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