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Resumen de Understanding statistical tables: a survey of research

Jocelyn D. Pallauta, José Pedro Arteaga Cezón Árbol académico, María Magdalena Gea Árbol académico, Nuria Begué

  • español

    Las tablas estadísticas son utilizadas en diferentes medios de comunicación como la prensa e Internet, así como revistas científicas, por la utilidad de su estructura para representar informaciones.

  • English

    Statistical tables constitute a representation frequently used in the media and scientific journals, due to their flexibility to summarize different information. It is included in the curriculum from primary education, although not much time is spent in its teaching, in assuming that its reading and construction are simple. However, didactic research, although scarcer than that related to statistical graphs, shows difficulties on the part of the students. In this paper we present a synthesis of the research focused on the understanding of the different types of statistical tables, from the psychological and didact perspective in order to make teachers aware of the possible difficulties of the students and as a means to promote didactic research on the subject.

Fundación Dialnet

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