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Resumen de Improvement of Learning Outcomes in Software Engineering: Active Methodologies Supported Through the Virtual Campus

Alicia García Holgado Árbol académico, Andrea Vázquez Ingelmo, Francisco José García Peñalvo Árbol académico, María José Rodríguez Conde Árbol académico

  • There are some subjects that are seen as a challenge by both students and teachers. One of these subjects is Software Engineering, where the novelty of its concepts and the need of applying abstract thinking need major efforts to understand new paradigms of design and development of information systems.

    Due to these difficulties, students face the subject with low motivation. The present work describes a series of teaching methodology changes carried out during the last three academic years, specially the implementation carried out during the 2017-18 year. The analysis of the results shows a high correlation between the students’ participation and the success ratio of the subject by comparing the results obtained by students studying the active methodology in 2017-18 and the results for the academic year 2013-14.

Fundación Dialnet

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