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Resumen de Innovating in the Engineering Processes: Engineering as a Means of Innovation

Francisco José García Peñalvo Árbol académico, Antonio Sarasa Cabezuelo Árbol académico, José Luis Sierra Rodríguez Árbol académico

  • Innovation and engineering are very close concepts. Innovation is one of the key competences of the engineers in the way they use their own creativity and knowledge base to face the problems they have to resolve for humanity’s improvement and social evolution. In this special section, we have selected four papers from three research events (CINAIC 2013, TEEM 2013, and ISELEAR 2013) that empower the innovation and research cycles in engineering from different perspectives.Innovation and engineering are very close concepts. Innovation is one of the key competences of the engineers in the way they use their own creativity and knowledge base to face the problems they have to resolve for humanity’s improvement and social evolution. In this special section, we have selected four papers from three research events (CINAIC 2013, TEEM 2013, and ISELEAR 2013) that empower the innovation and research cycles in engineering from different perspectives.

Fundación Dialnet

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