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Resumen de Experiencias con Repositorios Institucionales de Recursos Educativos: Del Libre Acceso a las Secuencias Guiadas de Aprendizaje

María de las Mercedes Gómez Albarrán Árbol académico, Marco A. Gómez-Martín Árbol académico, Alberto Díaz Esteban Árbol académico, Luis Hernández Yáñez Árbol académico, Almudena Ruiz Iniesta Árbol académico

  • The Virtual Campus of the Complutense University of Madrid has been used to deploy an institutional repository of educational resources that promotes the active learning of CS1-liked subjects. This paper presents the evolution of this repository, from a first version where students could freely access to any resource to a more sophisticated version where the access to resources is guided by the knowledge of the student.

Fundación Dialnet

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