This volume of Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems contains accepted papers presented at the 17th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems (CISIS 2024) and the 15th International Conference on EUropean Transnational Education (ICEUTE 2024), which were held in the beautiful city of Salamanca, Spain, in October 2024.
The aim of the CISIS 2024 conference is to offer a meeting opportunity for academic and industry-related researchers belonging to the various vast communities of Computational Intelligence, Information Security, and Data Mining. The need for intelligent, flexible behavior by large, complex systems, especially in mission-critical domains, is intended to be the catalyst and the aggregation stimulus for the overall event.
After peer review, the CISIS 2024 International Program Committee selected 24 papers for publication in these conference proceedings. In this edition, one special session was organized: Artificial Intelligence for Protecting the Internet of Things.
The aim of ICEUTE 2024 conference is to offer a stimulating and fruitful meeting point for people working on transnational education within Europe. It provides an exciting forum for presenting and discussing the latest works and advances in transnational education within European countries. In the case of ICEUTE 2024, the International Program Committee selected nine papers, which are also published in these conference proceedings.
The selection of papers was extremely rigorous to maintain the high quality of the conferences. We deeply appreciate the hard work and dedication of the members of the Program Committees during the reviewing process. Their contributions are integral to the creation of a high-standard conference; the CISIS and ICEUTE conferences would not exist without their help.
Blockhain-based random selection among a private number of candidates
Idoia Gámiz Ugarte, Cristina Regueiro Senderos, Eduardo Jacob Taquet , Óscar Lage Serrano, Juan José Unzilla Galán
págs. 3-14
A timeline and analysis of recent bitcoin money-laundering detection methods
Rebeca Tonu, Ciprian Pungila
págs. 15-24
An approach based on LLMs for forensic threat detection in autonomous systems
David Sobrín Hidalgo, Irene González Fernández, Miguel Ángel González Santamarta, Adrián Campazas Vega, Claudia Álvarez Aparicio, Ángel Manuel Guerrero Higueras , Francisco Javier Rodríguez Lera
, Vicente Matellán Olivera
págs. 25-34
Smart water meter network anomaly and failure detection system
Lukasz Saganowski, Tomasz Andrysiak
págs. 35-44
Design and implementation of a fas, platform-adaptative, AIS-20/31 compliant PLL-Based True Random Number Generator on a Zynq 7020 Soc FPGA
Oguz Yayla, Yunus Emre Yilmaz
págs. 45-55
A comparison of frameworks for heterogeneuos computing using high-performance pattern-matching for DNA biometrics and digital forensics
Lia Stratan, Ciprian Pungila
págs. 56-65
Fuzzing robotic software using HPC and LLM
Francisco Borja Garnelo del Rio, Francisco Javier Rodríguez Lera , Camino Fernández Llamas
, Vicente Matellán Olivera
págs. 66-76
Performance impact of strengthening the accoutability and explanability system in autonomous robots
Alejandro González Cantón, Miguel Ángel González Santamarta, Enrique Soriano, Gorka Guardiola Múzquiz , Francisco Javier Rodríguez Lera
págs. 77-87
Generation of industrial protocol-traffic via enhanced wassertein GAN
Mikel Moreno, Lander Segurola Gil, Francesco Zola, María Aranzazu del Pozo Echezarreta , Iker Pastor López
págs. 88-97
Cyber security in hospitals: a network-oriented model for behavioural learning of employees during phishing simulations
Debby Bouma, Charlotte Hoffmans, Niek Jan van den Hout, Natalia Zwarts, Jan Treur, Peter Roelofsma
págs. 98-111
Augmenting API Security Testing with Automated LLM-Driven Test Generation
Emil Marian Pasca, Rudolf Erdei, Daniela Delinschi, Oliviu Matei
págs. 112-121
Exploring the use of LLMs to understand network traces
Rubén de la Torre Vico, Roberto Magán Carrión , Rafael Alejandro Rodríguez Gómez
págs. 122-134
Securing V2X Communication: Ahybrid deep learning approach for misbehavior detection
Tiago Costa, Cesar Analide, Antoni Costa Torres, Jose Cunha
págs. 135-144
Use of GAN Models and CNN heatmaps in malware
Xavier Ceballos Díez, Iker González Requejo, Adrian Martínez, Jorge Sanjurjo, José Gaviria de la Puerta, Iker Pastor López
págs. 145-156
Evaluating Sniffers IDS, and IPS: A Systematic Literature Mapping
Raúl Bayona Martínez, Laura Inyesto Alonso, Adrián Campazas Vega, Gonzalo Esteban Costales, Claudia Álvarez Aparicio, Ángel Manuel Guerrero Higueras , Vicente Matellán Olivera
págs. 157-167
Performance Analysis of NTT Algorithms
David García Lleyda, Víctor Gayoso Martínez , Luis Hernández Encinas
, Agustín Martín Muñoz, Óscar Castillo Campo
págs. 168-178
Exploring the landscape of honeypots in the fight against cyber threats: a systematic mapping of literature
Alberto Miguel Díez, Rodrigo González Fernández, Gonzalo Esteban Costales, Cristian Vega González, Adrián Campazas Vega, Vicente Matellán Olivera , Ángel Manuel Guerrero Higueras
págs. 179-190
Phishing ans spam prevention powered by Jetson Nano
Jachson Silva Dias, Pino Caballero Gil
págs. 191-200
Decentralized Edge-Based detection of label flipping attacks in federated learning
Noura AlOtaibi, Muhamad Felemban, Sajjad Mahmood
págs. 201-211
Analysis of post-quantum cryptographic algoritms: a systematic literature review
Francisco Javier de la Puente Secades, Gonzalo Esteban Costales, Adrián Campazas Vega, Claudia Álvarez Aparicio, Vicente Matellán Olivera , Ángel Manuel Guerrero Higueras
págs. 212-226
A comparison of AI-Enabled tecniques for the detection of attacks in IoT devides
Eduardo Cabeza, Rubén Ruiz González, Alejandro Merino Gómez , Leticia Elena Curiel Herrera
, Jaime Andrés Rincón
págs. 227-236
Understanding malware dinamics in IoT Networks: dataset construction using mathematical epidemiology and complex networks
Leticia Sáinz Villegas, Roberto Casado Vara , Nuño Basurto Hornillos, Carlos Cambra Baseca
, Daniel Urda Muñoz
, Álvaro Herrero
págs. 237-246
Lawrence Nforh Chesuh, Ramón Ángel Fernández Díaz , José Aveleira Mata, Martín Bayón Gutiérrez, Sergio Rubio Martín, Héctor Alaiz Moretón
págs. 247-256
Cyberattack detector for real-time IoT devides and networks
Antonio Javier Díaz Longueira, Álvaro Michelena Grandío, Francisco Zayas-Gato, Marta María Álvarez Crespo, Óscar Fontenla Romero , José Luis Calvo-Rolle
págs. 257-268
Conducting final programming exams with auto-grading and code evaluation tools
José Luis Subirats Contreras, Gabriel Jesús Luque Polo , Rafael M. Luque Baena
págs. 269-278
Educational Metaverse
Alberto Martínez Gutiérrez, Javier Díez González, Rubén Ferrero Guillén, Iván Sánchez Calleja, Pablo Díez, Madalena Araújo, Hilde Pérez García
págs. 279-287
Cybersecurity and cyber defense in the classroom
Jorge Barbosa
págs. 288-300
Optimization of transport routes through a social interaction algorithm-based application
Diego Valdivia, Ángel Miguel García Vico, Cristóbal José Carmona del Jesús
págs. 301-311
Analysis of school dropout rate in Paraguay using a machine learning approach
Diego Insfrán Coronel, Federico Beck, Aurelio López Fernández, Miguel García Torres
págs. 312-321
Exploring educational trends: Specializations in Secondary Education in Paraguay forn 2018 to 2021
José Torres Báez, Juan Torres Báez, Aurelio López Fernández, Francisco Gómez Vela, Federico Beck
págs. 322-341
Effects of language of instruction in higher education
Silvia Vázquez Noguera, Fabiola Martínez, David Becerra Alonso , Aurelio López Fernández, Isabel López Cobo
, Perla Sosa, Miguel García Torres
págs. 332-341
Analysis of socio-economic factors associated to the academic performance in Paraguay
Federico Javier Beck, Francisco Gómez Vela
págs. 342-351
Interactive Telegram bot as a support tool for teaching in higher education
Juan Luis Suárez Díaz, Nuria Rodríguez Barroso , Guillermo Gómez
págs. 352-362
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