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Resumen de European proposals to work in the gender gap in STEM: A systematic analysis

Alicia García Holgado Árbol académico, Sonia Verdugo Castro, Carina Soledad González González Árbol académico, María Cruz Sánchez Gómez Árbol académico, Francisco José García Peñalvo Árbol académico

  • There is a critical gender gap in the STEM areas at all levels of education and the labour market. In this context, the European Union has included an increase in female participation in STEM as one of its priorities. It has funded a considerable amount of research projects, so a substantial number of institutions and organizations across Europe has worked on the same objective, but there are not an analysis of the proposals and achievements in all those research projects. This work aims to present an overview of the outputs from European research projects developed during the last five years related to the gender gap in STEM.

Fundación Dialnet

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