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Resumen de Mobile Personal Learning Applied to a Software Engineering Subject

Miguel Ángel Conde González Árbol académico, Francisco José García Peñalvo Árbol académico

  • Information and communication technologies are changing the tools that people use in their daily life. Teaching and learning processes are also affected. These technologies emphasize the fact that learning is not always linked to an institution or a period of time. However, institutional learning systems do not support these issues, which makes necessary the definition of personal learning environments. This paper describes the experience of the application of a mobile version of these personal environments in an educational context. It allows students the definition of their own personal environments in their mobile device and it is able to exchange information with the institutional systems. From this experience, it is possible to say the definition of mobile personal learning environments is possible, it increases learners' motivation and enriches their learning; and at the same time, it is possible to take into account what the learners do beyond the institution.

Fundación Dialnet

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