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Resumen de Educational Software: Case Studies and Development Methods [Guest editorial]

Francisco José García Peñalvo Árbol académico, Antonio Sarasa Cabezuelo Árbol académico

  • The goal of this invited editorial is to introduce an IEEE-RITA special issue on case studies and development methods of educational software. The special issue integrates thoroughly revised and extended versions of four outstand- ing papers presented at the 14th International Symposium on Computers in Education (SIIE’12), held in Andorra in October 2012, as well as at the third workshop on software engineering for e-learning (ISELEAR’12), which was collocated as a satellite event of SIIE’12. The special issue also includes one position paper concerning different perspectives of software development for e-learning, which mirrors the discussions on the topic main- tained during ISELAR’12.

Fundación Dialnet

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