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Resumen de A computationally efficient estimator for large clustered non-Gaussian data

Alvaro J. Flórez, Geert Molenberghs Árbol académico, Geert Verbeke, Pavlos Mamouris, Bert Vaes

  • The generalized linear mixed model (GLMM) is one of the most frequently used techniques to analyze clustered non-Gaussian data. Commonly, the GLMM is fitted by maximizing the marginal (log-)likelihood, i.e., integrating out the random effects. However, this whole maximisation may require a considerable amount of computing resources. Although computationally manageable with medium to large data, it can be too time-consuming or computationally intractable with very large clusters and/or with a large number of clusters. To overcome this, a fast two-stage estimator for correlated non-Gaussian data is presented. It is rooted in the pseudo-likelihood split-sample methodology. Based on simulations, it shows good statistical properties, and it is computationally much faster than full maximum likelihood. The approach is illustrated using a large dataset belonging to a network of Belgian general practices

Fundación Dialnet

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