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Resumen de Existence and Stability Behaviour of FSDE Driven by Rosenblatt Process with the Application of Visual Perception of Fish Robot

C. Mattuvarkuzhali, P. Balasubramaniam

  • The successive approximation used to derive the existence and stability results of the fractional stochastic differential equation (FSDEs) driven by the Rosenblatt process and numerical simulation are established and applied for the reduction of stochastic disturbance of minimal level in the visual perception trajectory. The Rosenblatt process ensures the stability of FDSEs by mitigating the stochastic disruption in the ocean water environment, including small particles along the visual perception trajectory to the fish robot. The algorithms have several advantages from gaze shift frames, such as terrific quality of randomness, key sensitivity, and minimizing the stochastic disturbance in the visual perception track for different locations. Numerical simulation results manifest real-world applications’ effectiveness, efficiency, and feasibility

Fundación Dialnet

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