Jacobo Darriba Yáñez, Dolores Rodríguez Vivero
Este artigo dá mostra dunha experiencia de ensino e aprendizaxe da medida de magnitudes en sexto curso de Educación Primaria. As magnitudes ás que se refire esta unidade didáctica son a lonxitu-de, o peso e a superficie. A metodoloxía emprega-da é eminentemente práctica, tentando fuxir, na medida do posible, da habitual aritmetización da medida. Entre todas as actividades desenvolvidas, é de destacar, polo seu carácter lúdico, a última delas, que consiste nunha xincana matemática con diferentes probas matemáticas relacionadas coa medida das magnitudes tratadas na unidade didáctica.
This paper shows the implementation of a teaching and learning situation regarding the measurement of magnitudes during the sixth year of Primary Edu-cation. The magnitudes this teaching unit deals with are length, weight and surface area. As for the methodology used, it is eminently practical, trying to avoid, as far as possible, the recurrent arithmeti-sation of measurement. Among all the activities ca-rried out, the last one is particularly noteworthy due to its playful nature, consisting of a mathematical quiz with several tests related to the measurement of magnitudes dealt with throughout the didactic unit.
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