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Resumen de Software engineering analysis process applied on an e-learning system

Hugo Rego, Tiago Moreira, Francisco José García Peñalvo Árbol académico

  • In order to implement an e-learning system we have to considerseveral factors, and to evaluate and compare different approaches andtechniques during all the software engineering process. So, to implement an e-learning system we have first started to analyze several e-learning currentapproaches both systems and tools in order to identify strong points andweaknesses. Then we have made a comparative analysis of technological andeducational standards and specifications to choose one to base our system uponin order to standardize all of the educational resources in our platform. Finally,we have also done an analysis of some key features of metadata toolsconfronting the learning object metadata tool we’ve developed on AHKME(Adaptive Hypermedia Knowledge Management E-learning System) with somesimilar learning object metadata tools. We aim to give a perspective of themethodologies used for analyzing e-learning systems, since there are severalaspects to take into account.

Fundación Dialnet

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