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Resumen de Comprehensive educational model based on Challenge-Based Learning for the improvement of competency performance

Diego Carmona Fernández, Diego Rodríguez Méndez, José Luis Canito Lobo Árbol académico, Francisco Quintana Gragera, Juan Pablo Carrasco Amador Árbol académico, Alfonso Carlos Marcos Romero Árbol académico, Jesús M. Rodríguez Rego, Laura Mendoza Cerezo

  • "Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results". This phrase, attributed to Albert Einstein, contains a message that sums up what is happening in education systems. Fortunately, an increasing number of "madmen" are choosing to do something different to "innovate" in the teaching-learning process.

    This paper shows the influence of innovating in four key aspects that influence learning: instruction, methodology, space and time, if we want to improve competence performance and start to make the objectives of the Bologna Declaration a reality, through experiences carried out in the School of Industrial Engineering (EII) of the University of Extremadura.

Fundación Dialnet

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