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Resumen de Proxecto Nós: Artificial intelligence at the service of the Galician language

Adina Ioana Vladu, Iria de Dios Flores, María del Carmen Magariños Iglesias, John Evan Ortega, José Ramón Pichel Campos, Marcos Garcia, Pablo Gamallo Otero Árbol académico, Elisa Fernández Rei, Alberto José Bugarín Diz Árbol académico, Manuel González González, Senén Barro Árbol académico, Xosé Luís Regueira Fernández

  • Proxecto Nós is an initiative aimed at providing the Galician language with openly licensedresources, tools, and demonstrators in the area of intelligent technologies. The Project has twomain scientific and technological objectives: (i) to integrate the Galician language into cuttingedge AI and language technologies, thus enabling the natural use of Galician in human-machineinteractions; and (ii) to improve the state of the art of language technologies for Galician

Fundación Dialnet

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