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Resumen de Analysis and numerical methods for the Riesz space distributed-order advection-diffusion equation with time delay

Muhammad Javid, Mahdi Saedshoar Heris

  • In this paper, we investigate the fractional backward differential formulas (FBDF) and Grünwald difference method for the Riesz space distributed-order advection-diffusion equation with delay. The midpoint quadrature rule is used to approximate the distributed-order equation by a multi-term fractional form. Next the transformed multi-term fractional equation is solved by discretizing in space by the fractional backward differential formulas method for 0<α<1 and the shifted Grünwald difference operators for 1<β<2 to approximate the Riesz space fractional derivative and in time by using the Crank-Nicolson scheme. We prove that the Crank-Nicolson scheme is conditionally stable and convergent with second-order accuracy O(h2+κ2+σ2+ρ2). Finally, we give some examples and compare the results of our method with two works. This results show the effectiveness of the proposed numerical method.

Fundación Dialnet

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