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Resumen de Scalable authentic assessment of collaborative work assignments in wikis

Antonio Balderas Alberico, Manuel Palomo Duarte Árbol académico, Juan Manuel Dodero Beardo Árbol académico, María Soledad Ibarra Saiz Árbol académico, Gregorio Rodríguez Gómez Árbol académico

  • Wikis are appropriate tools for deploying authentic assessment experiences for learning and work scenarios in which a group of users are asked to develop a shared task. However, when the number of wiki users increases, the number of contributions can grow at a pace whereby accurately assessing them becomes a complex and non-scalable task. While different quantitative approaches have been shown to be scalable, they are usually coarse-grained and provide limited feedback about the assessment. This work proposes a scalable assessment methodology for wiki-based tasks, based on qualitative self- and peer assessment of wiki contributions. The methodology is implemented using a software tool and is applied as part of an undergraduate course, complementing a quantitative assessment approach. Positive evidence on the scalability of the method and how it implements a more fine-grained qualitative assessment than the regular quantitative approach is found, providing indicators for assessing both individual and group generic skills.

Fundación Dialnet

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