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Resumen de Competencies in understanding statistical information in primary and secondary school levels: An inter-cultural empirical study with German and Colombian students

Sebastian Kuntze, Laura Martignon Árbol académico, Francisco Vargas M., Joachim Engel Árbol académico

  • español

    Este artículo está dedicado a investigar la validez de un modelo de competencia jerárquico a través de un análisis de los niveles correspondientes en primaria y secundaria en Alemania y en Colombia.

    Los resultados confirman el modelo de competencia jerárquico ya establecido en trabajos anteriores. El estudio que aquí presentamos tiene dos componentes novedosas: analiza la validez del modelo en primaria y es intercultural. Los resultados obtenidos por los estudiantes sin embargo sugieren perfiles específicos de subgrupos especiales de los alumnos analizados. El estudio intercultural es meramente exploratorio pues las muestras incluidas en Colombia y Alemania no eran representativas. Los resultados apunt an a nuevas preguntas y motivan otras investigaciones interculturales en un futuro.

  • English

    This paper is devoted to examining the validity of a hierarchical competency model of statistical literacy by assessing the corresponding competency levels of primary and secondary students from Colombia and Germany. The results replicate prior findings and confirm the hierarchical competency model. The study has two novel components with respect to previous work on competency levels in statistical literacy: it examines elementary school performance and it includes an intercultural comparison. The competency scores reached by the students, however, suggest specific profiles of sub-groups of learners included in the study. The intercultural study is clearly exploratory since the samples both in Colombia and in Germany were not representative. The results point to interesting new questions and motivate further intercultural research.

  • English

    This paper is devoted to examining the validity of a hierarchical competency model of statistical literacy by assessing the corresponding competency levels of primary and secondary students from Colombia and Germany. The results rep licate prior findings and confirm the hierarchical competency model. The study has two novel components with respect to previous work on competency levels in statistical literacy: it examines elementary school performance and it includes an intercultural c omparison. The competency scores reached by the students , however , suggest specific profiles of sub - groups of learners included in the study. The intercultural study is clearly exploratory since the samples both in Colombia and in Germany were not represen tative. The results point to interesting new questions and motivate further intercultural research.

  • português

    Este artigo se dedica a investigar a validez dum modelo de competencia hierárquico àtraves duma análise dos niveis cor respondents em primaria e secundaria em Alemania e em Colombia.

    Os resultados confirmam o modelo de competencia hierárquico ja estabelecido em trabalhos anteriores. O estudo que aqui presentamos tem duas componentes novas: analiza o modelo em primaria e é intercultural. O estudo intercultural é meramente exploratorio pois as amostras consideradas em Alemania e em Colombia nao eram representativas. Os resultados trazem novas perguntas e motivao outras investigacoes para um future

Fundación Dialnet

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