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Resumen de Weighted uniform consistency of kernel density estimators

Evarist Giné Árbol académico, Vladimir Koltchinskii, Joel Zinn

  • Let fn denote a kernel density estimator of a continuous density f in d dimensions, bounded and positive. Let Ψ(t) be a positive continuous function such that ‖Ψfβ‖∞<∞ for some 0<β<1/2. Under natural smoothness conditions, necessary and sufficient conditions for the sequence ${\sqrt{\frac{nh_{n}^{d}}{2|\log h_{n}^{d}|}}\|\Psi(t)(f_{n}(t)-Ef_{n}(t))\|_{\infty}}$ to be stochastically bounded and to converge a.s. to a constant are obtained. Also, the case of larger values of β is studied where a similar sequence with a different norming converges a.s. either to 0 or to +∞, depending on convergence or divergence of a certain integral involving the tail probabilities of Ψ(X). The results apply as well to some discontinuous not strictly positive densities.

Fundación Dialnet

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