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Resumen de Arnautov's problems on semitopological isomorphisms

Dikran Dikranjan Árbol académico, Anna Giordano Bruno Árbol académico

  • Semitopological isomorphisms of topological groups were introduced by Arnautov [2], who posed several questions related to compositions of semitopological isomorphisms and about the groups G (we call them Arnautov groups) such that for every group topology on G every semitopological isomorphism with domain (G, ) is necessarily open (i.e., a topological isomorphism). We propose a different approach to these problems by introducing appropriate new notions, necessary for a deeper understanding of Arnautov groups. This allows us to find some partial answers and many examples. In particular, we discuss the relation with minimal groups and non-topologizable groups.

Fundación Dialnet

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