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Resumen de Defect-based local error estimators for splitting methods, with application to Schrödinger equations, Part II. Higher-order methods for linear problems

Winfried Auzinger, Othmar Koch, Mechthild Thalhammer

  • In this work, defect-based local error estimators for higher-order exponential operator splitting methods are constructed and analyzed in the context of time-dependent linear Schrödinger equations. The technically involved procedure is carried out in detail for a general three-stage third-order splitting method and then extended to the higher-order case. Asymptotical correctness of the a posteriori local error estimator is proven under natural commutator bounds for the involved operators, and along the way the known (non)stiff order conditions and a priori convergence bounds are recovered. The theoretical error estimates for higher-order splitting methods are confirmed by numerical examples for a test problem of Schrödinger type. Further numerical experiments for a test problem of parabolic type complement the investigations.

Fundación Dialnet

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