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Resumen de Moduli space of principal sheaves over projective varieties

Tomás Gómez, Ignacio Sols Lucia Árbol académico

  • Let G be a connected reductive group. The late Ramanathan gave a notion of (semi)stable principal G-bundle on a Riemann surface and constructed a projective moduli space of such objects. We generalize Ramanathan¿fs notion and construction to higher dimension, allowing also objects which we call semistable principal G-sheaves, in order to obtain a projective moduli space: a principal G-sheaf on a projective variety X is a triple (P,E,¿Õ), where E is a torsion free sheaf on X, P is a principal G-bundle on the open set U where E is locally free and ¿Õ is an isomorphism between E|U and the vector bundle associated to P by the adjoint representation. We say it is (semi)stable if all filtrations E. of E as sheaf of (Killing) orthogonal algebras, i.e. filtrations with E¿Ûi = E.i.1 and [Ei,Ej ] ¿¿ E ¿É¿É i+j , have (PEi rkE . PE rkEi) () 0, where PEi is the Hilbert polynomial of Ei. After fixing the Chern classes of E and of the line bundles associated to the principal bundle P and characters of G, we obtain a projective moduli space of semistable principal G-sheaves. We prove that, in case dimX = 1, our notion of (semi)stability is equivalent to Ramanathan¿fs notion.

Fundación Dialnet

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