Announcement: Focus Issue on �Dynamics in Systems Biology�.
C.A. Brackley, O. Ebenhöh, C. Grebogi, A. Moura, M.C. Romano, M. Thiel, J. Kurths
pág. 10201
Announcement: Focus Issue on �Mesoscales in Complex Networks�.
Juan A. Almendral, Regino Criado Herrero , I. Leyva, Javier M. Buldú, Irene Sendiña Nadal
pág. 10202
Lobe transport analysis of the Kelvin�Stuart cat�s eyes driven flow.
Stephen M. Rodrigue, Elia V. Eschenazi
pág. 13101
R. Grimshaw, A. Sluniaev, E. Pelinovsky
pág. 13102
The stability of adaptive synchronization of chaotic systems.
Francesco Sorrentino, Gilad Barlev, Adam B. Cohen, Edward Ott
pág. 13103
Weak signal detection based on the information fusion and chaotic oscillator.
Xiuqiao Xiang, Baochang Shi
pág. 13104
Chaotic operation by a single transistor circuit in the reverse active region.
M.P. Hanias, I.L. Giannis, G.S. Tombras
pág. 13105
Geometry of repeated measurements in chaotic systems.
P. M. Binder, B.D. Wissman
pág. 13106
An automated algorithm for the generation of dynamically reconstructed trajectories.
C. Komalapriya, M.C. Romano, M. Thiel, N. Marwan, J. Kurths, István Z. Kiss, J.L. Hudson
pág. 13107
pág. 13108
Characterization of the nontrivial and chaotic behavior that occurs in a simple city traffic model.
J. Villalobos, B.A. Toledo, D. Pastén, V. Muñoz, J. Rogan, R. Zarama, N. Lammoglia, J.A. Valdivia
pág. 13109
Revealing degree distribution of bursting neuron networks.
Yu Shen, Zhonghuai Hou, Houwen Xin
pág. 13110
Routes to complex dynamics in a ring of unidirectionally coupled systems.
P. Perlikowski, S. Yanchuk, M. Wolfrum, A. Stefanski, P. Mosiolek, T. Kapitaniak
pág. 13111
The existence of generalized synchronization of chaotic systems in complex networks.
Aihua Hu, Zhenyuan Xu, Liuxiao Guo
pág. 13112
Vibrational resonance in neuron populations.
Bin Deng, Jiang Wang, Xile Wei, K.M. Tsang, W.L. Chan
pág. 13113
Global stability analysis of birhythmicity in a self-sustained oscillator.
R. Yamapi, G. Filetrella, M.A. Aziz-Alaoui
pág. 13114
K. Sebastian Sudheer, M. Sabir
pág. 13115
Multiscroll attractors by switching systems.
E. Campos-Cantón, J.G. Barajas-Ramírez, G. Solís-Perales, R. Femat
pág. 13116
Spontaneous mode switching in coupled oscillators competing for constant amounts of resources.
Yoshito Hirata, Masashi Aono, Masahiko Hara, Kazuyuki Aihara
pág. 13117
Rotated balance in humans due to repetitive rotational movement.
Maria S. Zakynthinaki, J. Madera Milla, A. López Díaz de Durana, Carlos Alberto Cordente Martínez, Gabriel Rodríguez Romo , Manuel Sillero Quintana
, Javier Sampedro Molinuevo
pág. 13118
Maria S. Zakynthinaki, James R. Stirling, Carlos Alberto Cordente Martínez, A. López Díaz de Durana, Manuel Sillero Quintana , Gabriel Rodríguez Romo
, Javier Sampedro Molinuevo
pág. 13119
Cluster synchronization in networks of coupled nonidentical dynamical systems.
Wenlian Lu, Bo Liu, Tianping Chen
pág. 13120
pág. 13121
pág. 13122
pág. 13123
Existence of homoclinic connections in continuous piecewise linear systems.
Victoriano Carmona Centeno , Fernando Fernández Sánchez
, Elisabeth García Medina, Antonio Esteban Teruel Aguilar
pág. 13124
Mingshu Peng, Xiaozhong Yang
pág. 13125
Scytale decodes chaos: A method for estimating unstable symmetric solutions.
Yasuaki Morita, Naoya Fujiwara, Miki U Kobayashi, Tsuyoshi Mizuguchi
pág. 13126
On the bound of the Lyapunov exponents for the fractional differential systems.
Changpin Li, Ziqing Gong, Deliang Qian, YangQuan Chen
pág. 13127
Hidden imperfect synchronization of wall turbulence.
Sedat F. Tardu
pág. 13128
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