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Resumen de Modeling and numeriacal study of nonsmooth dynamical systems. Applications to Mechanical and Power Electronics Systems.

Iván Merillas Santos

  • This thesis is concerned with the modeling and numerical study of nonsmooth dynamical systems (NSDS). The first part of the thesis deals with the modeling of some DC-DC power converters using the complementarity formalism. This mathematical theoretical framework allows us to ensure existence and uniqueness of solutions in a natural" and synthetic way. Specifically, it works pretty well in power electronic converters because it incorporates generalized discontinuous conduction modes (GDCM), characterized by a reduction of the dimension of the effective dynamics. For systems with a single diode, analytical state-space conditions for the presence of a GDCM are stated and simulation results, showing a variety of behaviours, such as persistent or re-entering GDCM, are also presented. Furthermore, the analysis and simulation of a parallel resonant converter (PRC), which has four diodes, illustrate the convenience of the complementarity formalism to simulate electrical systems with a large number of ideal diodes. We also present the simulation of a boost converter with a sliding mode control, even though a general control theory for complementarity systems is not still developed.

    In the second part of the thesis we focus on the bifurcation analysis in NSDS, and in particular, we have studied different mechanical systems which involve impacts and dry-friction. It is known that nonsmooth or discontinuous dynamical systems can exhibit the bifurcations also exhibited by smooth systems. In addition to these, there are also some novel transitions so-called discontinuity-induced bifurcations (DIBs) which are unique to these systems. We have investigated the complex behaviour occurring in an impacting mechanical system. DIBs such as corner impact bifurcations and transitions from complete to uncomplete chattering motions have been analysed in detail.

    Another type of DIBs recently classified are the so-called sliding bifurcations. Such bifurcations are a characteristic feature of so-called Filippov systems. We present detailed examples of all the different sliding bifurcation scenarios in a dry friction oscillator using a measured friction characteristic firstly introduced by Popp. Furthermore, a codimension-two degenerate switching-sliding bifurcation is displayed. In this case of degenerate switching-sliding bifurcation two curves of codimension-one sliding bifurcations, crossing-sliding and adding-sliding, branch out from the codimension-two point. Also, a cusp smooth codimension-two bifurcation is shown and coexistence of periodic orbits in the region between both fold codimension-one curves is studied.

    We have also investigated the dynamic behaviour of the two-block Burridge model for earthquake simulations. Previous numerical studies investigated by Ruina verified that, with a friction force of Coulomb type, the system presents only periodic behaviour. We show that chaotic regions can be observed in a symmetric configuration even if a Coulomb friction is considered with the relaxation of one of the assumptions assumed in the seismological literature. Furthermore, we have studied the behaviour of the system with asymmetric configuration. Different periodic solutions and regions of chaos can be observed varying the asymmetry of the system. With respect to the bifurcation point of view, we have analysed several smooth bifurcations (smooth and DIBs) observed in this system.

    Chapter 6 of this thesis presents the SICONOS software platform dedicated to simulation of NSDS. We give an overview of the SICONOS software and the way NSDS are modeled and simulated within the platform. Routines for analysis (stability, bifurcations, invariant manifolds,) of NSDS implemented in the platform are explained in detail. To conclude this part, several representative samples are shown in order to illustrate the SICONOS platform abilities.

    Conclusion and some open problems are presented in the last chapter.

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