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Resumen de Vision-based recognition of human behaviour for intelligent environments

Alexandros André Chaaraoui Árbol académico

  • A critical requirement for achieving ubiquity of artificial intelligence is to provide intelligent environments with the ability to recognise and understand human behaviour. If this is achieved, proactive interaction can occur and, more interestingly, a great variety of services can be developed. In this thesis, we aim to support the development of ambient-assisted living services with advances in human behaviour analysis. Specifically, visual data analysis is considered in order to detect and understand human activity at home. As part of an intelligent monitoring system, single- and multi-view recognition of human actions is performed, along several optimisations and extensions.

    The present work may pave the way for more advanced human behaviour analysis techniques, such as the recognition of activities of daily living, personal routines and abnormal behaviour detection.

Fundación Dialnet

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