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Design and evaluation of web-based economic indicators: a big data analysis approach

  • Autores: Desamparados Blázquez
  • Directores de la Tesis: José María García Álvarez-Coque (dir. tes.) Árbol académico, Josep Domènech i de Soria (dir. tes.) Árbol académico
  • Lectura: En la Universitat Politècnica de València ( España ) en 2019
  • Idioma: español
  • Tribunal Calificador de la Tesis: Víctor David Martínez Gómez (presid.) Árbol académico, María Rosalía Vicente Cuervo (secret.) Árbol académico, María Olmedilla Fernández (voc.) Árbol académico
  • Enlaces
    • Tesis en acceso abierto en: RiuNet
  • Resumen
    • In the Digital Era, the increasing use of the Internet and digital devices is completely transforming the way of interacting in the economic and social framework. Myriad individuals, companies and public organizations use the Internet for their daily activities, generating a stream of fresh data ("Big Data") principally accessible through the World Wide Web (WWW), which has become the largest repository of information in the world. These digital footprints can be tracked and, if properly processed and analyzed, could help to monitor in real time a wide range of economic variables.

      In this context, the main goal of this PhD thesis is to generate economic indicators, based on web data, which are able to provide regular, short-term predictions ("nowcasting") about some business activities that are basic for the growth and development of an economy. Concretely, three web-based economic indicators have been designed and evaluated: first, an indicator of firms' export orientation, which is based on a model that predicts if a firm is an exporter; second, an indicator of firms' engagement in e-commerce, which is based on a model that predicts if a firm offers e-commerce facilities in its website; and third, an indicator of firms' survival, which is based on two models that indicate the probability of survival of a firm and its hazard rate. To build these indicators, a variety of data from corporate websites have been retrieved manually and automatically, and subsequently have been processed and analyzed with Big Data analysis techniques.

      Results show that the selected web data are highly related to the economic variables under study, and the web-based indicators designed in this thesis are capturing to a great extent their real values, thus being valid for their use by the academia, firms and policy-makers. Additionally, the digital and online nature of web-based indicators makes it possible to provide timely, inexpensive predictions about the economy. This way, they are advantageous with respect to traditional indicators.

      This PhD thesis has contributed to generating knowledge about the viability of producing economic indicators with data coming from corporate websites. The indicators that have been designed are expected to contribute to the modernization of official statistics and to help in making earlier, more informed decisions to policy-makers and business managers.

Fundación Dialnet

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