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Resumen de A framework to support the harmonization between multiple models and standards

César Jesús Pardo Calvache Árbol académico

  • It is currently possible to observe that, in order to deal with the issue of quality, a variety of models, standards and methodologies have been developed to provide support in different domains of the IT industry. The implementation and institutionalization of these approaches allow organizations to improve, mature, acquire and institutionalize best practices and management systems, and the multiple problems and needs of many dimensions and organizational hierarchies are therefore resolved through the use of multiple approaches, such as COBIT, CMMI, ISO 9001, Risk IT, Val IT, ITIL, ISO 20000, ISO 90003, ISO 12207, ISO 27001, and so forth.

    The great diversity and heterogeneity of the models and standards that are available, provide organizations with a positive environment which enables them to choose different solutions to various problems and needs such as: Information Security Management Systems (ISMS), Information Technology Governance Processes (IT Governance), development processes, or software maintenance, amongst others. Experts and practitioners can therefore improve and optimize organizational efforts by using the best parts of existing models as ¿building blocks¿; they must thus be prepared to deconstruct models with the aim of designing according to their multiple needs.

    However, although organizations can benefit from this heterogeneity and variety of models, the proliferation of models is one reason why many organizations become overwhelmed and confused when making a decision about the choice and application of the model which is most pertinent to their needs. There are also certain factors, which may include compliance, for example, or those aspects related to structural differences such as terminology, size, process elements structure, content, granularity and complexity, which increase the complexity of the implementation of multi-models in a single organization.

    This being the case, organizations need an appropriate means which will allow them to choose and implement multi-models in the face of this huge quantity. This would make it posible to decrease the costs associated with the implementation of models, by not implementing each one separately.

    In the quest to help support the work of harmonization of multiple models, this thesis presents HFramework, which is a framework that defines the elements needed to support the harmonization of multiple models and standards. HFramework is composed of three components: 1. A conceptual framework, which defines two ontologies, H2mO and PrMO that provide the concepts for the representation and management of knowledge related to the harmonization of multiple models and software processes from the point of view of process structure respectively.

    2. A methodological framework, which allows the definition and configuration of a suitable and aligned harmonization strategy to be systematically driven and led according to an organization¿s objectives and business needs. To this end, the methodological framework includes: a) HProcess, which provides the process and elements that are necessary to support the systematic management and implementation of harmonization projects, i.e. HProcess provides knowledge concerning ¿what to do¿ and ¿how to put¿ multiple models in harmony. HProcess is used to define and implement a Harmonization Strategy (HStrategy) according to an organization¿s strategic business objectives.

    b) HMethods is a set of methods, techniques and elements which provide knowledge concerning ¿how to put¿ two or more models in consonance with each other. HMethods complements HProcess and provides it with the support needed to configure an HStrategy. HMethods is composed of a Homogenization Method (HoMethod), an Integration Method (IMethod) and a Common Structure of Process Elements (CSPE).

    3. A technological environment, which includes a Web tool to support the harmonization of multiple models.

    This thesis also shows the related state-of-the- art, its motivation and its research method. The proposal of the thesis is applied and validated through three case studies: the first case shows the harmonization of ISO 27001 and ISO 20000-2; the second case is in a small consulting organization in Spain, and shows the integration of BASEL II, COBIT 4.1, ITIL, Val IT, Risk IT and ISO 27002 in a research project which sought to define a model for Information Technology Governance that would be applicable to the Superintendence of Banks in Guatemala and the banking sector in general; and the third case shows the harmonization of ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000-2 and CMMI-DEV in a spinoff in Italy. The findings obtained show that the harmonization framework allowed us to resolve the conflicts and structural differences of models involved, and thereby put them in consonance with each other in a systematic manner and with regards to the needs of each case. HFramework therefore provides organizations that are planning to apply a multi-model approach with a useful framework which takes into account their business needs.

Fundación Dialnet

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