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Normas de estilo de publicación en Collectanea mathematica

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Normas de Estilo de la Publicación

Collectanea Mathematica aims at the publication of original research results in pure and applied mathematics. Only papers not previously published will be accepted.
The authors of every article will be entitled to 60 copies of their contribution. To order some additional offprints, please see the information given below, or get the order form (PDF).
Manuscripts should be sent in duplicate, preferably to the member of the Scientific Committee who is most closely concerned with the subject of the paper, or to the Managing Editor. They must be in its final form and typed on only one side of the paper, in double-line spacing with wide margins. The author should keep copy of the paper.
Titles should be brief and informative (an alternative short title should be also included for the running head). The author's name and address should be typed on the lines below the title. In the case of joint papers, the respective addresses of coauthors should be clearly indicated. An abstract in English is required.
Footnotes, other than those referring to acknowledge of financial support, should be avoided. Keywords and MSC2000 numbers are also recomended.
Formulas should be typewritten whenever possible, and preferably displayed.
Illustrations and diagrams should be submitted on separate white sheets in the desired real size, suitable for direct reproduction. Tables should also be set out on separate sheets. The intended position of illustrations, diagrams and tables must be clearly indicated in the manuscript.
References to published literature should be quoted in the text in square brackets and grouped together at the end of the paper in alphabetical order, following the usual standards. The following examples could be useful:

1. G. Jank and L. Volkmann, Untersuchungen ganzer und meromorpher Funktionen unendlicher Ordnung, Arch. Math. 39 (1982), 32-45.
2. K. Knopp, Infinite Sequences and Series, Dover, New York, 1956.
Authors are also requested to include their E-Mail address, fax number and/or telephone number.

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