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Normas de estilo de publicación en Top (journal of operations research)

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Normas de Estilo de la Publicación

Four copies are required, typed with double spacing on one side only of A4 sheets, with a wide margin on the left-hand side. Alternatively, manuscripts can be submitted electronically, sending a PDF or a PS file. Electronic submissions speed up the editorial process.
A short running title and a summary of about 100 words must be included at the beginning of the manuscript, together with some keywords to describe the content of the paper, and with the AMS 2000 subject classification codes. The name, full postal address, and electronic address of the authors must appear on the title page. Illustrations should be in a form suitable for direct reproduction. All illustrations and tables should be numbered, titled, and referred to in the text.
References should not be numbered. In the text, the authors' surnames should be given followed by the year of publication in parentheses. At the end of the paper, the references should be listed in alphabetical order of surnames. Examples for a paper in a journal, a book and a paper in a collective work are:
Guignard M. and Kin S. (1987). Lagrangean Decomposition. Mathematical Programming 39, 215-228.
Dantzig G.B. (1963). Linear Programming and Extensions. Princeton University Press.
Duffin R.J., Jeroslow R.G. and Karlovitz L.A. (1983). Duality in Semi-Infinite Linear Programming. In: Fiacco A.V. and Kortanek K.O. (eds.), Semi-Infinite Programming and Applications. Springer-Verlag, 50-62.

Authors of accepted manuscripts must send an electronic copy of their papers to the Technical Editor. They are strongly encouraged to provide an
electronic version in LaTeX. The style of TOP can be downloaded from its web site. Corresponding authors will receive 25 free reprints of their

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