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Resumen de Future and Emergent Trends in Language Technology: First International Workshop, FETLT 2015, Seville, Spain, November 19-20, 2015, Revised Selected Papers

José Francisco Quesada Moreno (ed. lit.) Árbol académico, Francisco Jesús Martín Mateos (ed. lit.) Árbol académico, María Teresa López Soto (ed. lit.) Árbol académico

  • This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the First International Workshop on Future and Emergent Trends in Language Technology, FETLT 2015, held in Seville, Spain, in November 2015.

    The 10 full papers presented together with 3 position papers and 7 invited keynote abstracts were selected from numerous submissions. The structure of the Workshop will feature a significant number of experts in language technologies and convergent areas. One objective will be the organization of forum sessions in order to review some of the current-trend research projects that are already addressing new methodological approaches and proposing solutions and innovative applications. A second major objective will be brainstorming sessions where representatives of the most innovative industrial sector in this area can present and describe the challenges and socio-economic needs of the present and immediate future. All researchers are invited to submit proposals that incorporate solid research and innovation ideas in the field of language technology and in connection with other convergent areas.

Fundación Dialnet

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