A serie de conferencias ACA dedícase a promover toda forma de aplicacións da álxebra computacional e fomenta-la interacción dos desenvolvedores de sistemas e paquetes de álxebra computacional cos investigadores e usuarios (incluíndo científicos, enxeñeiros, educadores, etc.). Os temas inclúen, aínda que non están limitados a, a álxebra computacional nas ciencias, enxeñaría, medicina, matemática pura e aplicada, educación e informática
Applications of computer algebraa to verification and safistiability checking
James H. Davenport
pág. 17
Sat Solvers and computer algebra systems: a powerful combination for mathematics
Vijay Ganesh Hariharan
págs. 18-19
Dealing with real algebraic curves and surfaces for discovery: from experiments to theorics and applications
pág. 20
Automatic geometric theorem proving and discovering using (comprenshive) Groebner bases
Dingkang Wang
pág. 21
Randomized algorithms for normal basis in Charasteristic
Mark Giesbrecht, Armin Jamshidpey, Éric Schost
págs. 25-26
Computer algebra and computer science
Gereon Kremer
pág. 27
Conversion of elements representation in Galois rings
Juan Carlos Ku Cauich, Guillermo Morales Luna
págs. 28-29
Automatic generation of diagrammatic subway maps for any date with Maple
Aberto Almech, Eugenio Roanes Lozano
págs. 30-31
Detecting truth, just on parts, in automatic reasoning in geometry
Zoltán Kovács, Tomás Jesús Recio Muñiz , María Pilar Vélez Melón
págs. 32-35
To analysis of the tunneling efect through Shwarzschid barrier for spin 1/2 particles
V. Chechurin, O. M. Ovisiyuk, V. M. Ovisiyuk
págs. 37-38
Numerical study to multiphase flow and viscous fingering in a heterogeneous porous medium
Hassane Djebouri, Salah Zouaoui, Kamal Mohammedi, Ali Bilek
págs. 39-42
Leap-frog algorithm for interpolating reduced data
Ryszard kozera, Lyle Noakes
págs. 43-44
Reparameterization and piecewise cubics for interpolating reduced data
Ryszard kozera, Magdalena Wilkolazka
págs. 45-46
Computing perturbations in two-planetary three body problem with masses varying non-isotropically at differentes rates
Mukhtar Minglibayev, Alexander N. Prokopenya, Saule Shomshekova
pág. 47
Motion of two bodies coupled by a spring on a rough plane with variable coefficient of friction: simulation with mathematica
Alexander N. Prokopenya
págs. 48-49
A study of sensitive of nonllinear oscilations of a CLD parallel circuit to parametrization to Esaki diode
Haiduke Sarafian
pág. 50
3D stress analysis of a loaded birefringent sphere by photoelastic experiment and finite elements method
Kamel Touahri, Ali Bilek, Said Larbi
págs. 51-54
Visualization of planetary motions using KeTCindy
Satoshi Yamashita, Kiyoshi Kitahara, Shuhei Miyake
págs. 55-57
Fluid/particles flow simulation by finite volume method-hibrid-approach
Salah Zouaoui, Hassane Djebouri, Ali Bilek, Kamal Mohammedi
págs. 58-61
New rules for improving CAS capabilities when computing improper integrals: applications in Maths education
José Luis Galán García , Gabriel Aguilera Venegas
, Pedro Rodríguez Cielos
, Yolanda Padilla Domínguez, María Angeles Galán García
pág. 63
Teaching partial differential equations with CAS
José Luis Galán García , Pedro Rodríguez Cielos
, Yolanda Padilla Domínguez, María Angeles Galán García, Gabriel Aguilera Venegas
, Ricardo Rodríguez Cielos
págs. 64-66
About the bulgarian experience in organizing National Student Olympiad in computer mathematics
Penka Georgieva
págs. 67-68
págs. 69-70
Technology enhanced e-assessments in calculus courses with application of CAS
Elena Varbanova
págs. 71-74
Analyzing the "calculator effect" of different kinds os softwhare for school arithmetic and algebra
Rein Prank
págs. 75-76
pág. 77
Dynamic visualizations for network flow optimizations problems with mathematica
Wlodzimierz Wojas, Jan Krupa
pág. 78
Using T-Nspire for the financial education of future engineers
Hanan Smidi
pág. 79
Accurate plotting in 3D: how to choose the mesh
David Zeitoun, Thierry Dana-Picard
págs. 80-83
Addressing discreting mathematics problems in the classroom
A. Bergeron Brlek
pág. 84
Analyzing discrete suspended chains using computer algebra
Gilbert Labelle
pág. 85
Consolidation of abstract knowledge in the process of confornting errors using digital tools: the case of the inflection point
Anatoli Kouropatov, Regina Ovodenko
págs. 86-88
Periodic and non trivial periodic input in linear ODEs (part I, part II)
Michel Beaudin
págs. 89-90
Introducing parametric curves with CAS
Louis Xavier Proulx
págs. 91-93
Visualizations of the nondominated set and the efficient set in multicriteria optimization problems using mathematica
Wlodzimierz Wojas, Jan Krupa
pág. 94
fractals and tessellactions: from K' to cosmology
Thierry Dana-Picard, Sara Hershkovitz
págs. 95-96
The Runge example for interpolation and Wilkinson's examples for Rootfinding
págs. 97-98
A non iterarive method for solving nonlinear equations
Michael Xue
pág. 99
pág. 100
Familiarizing students for definition of lebesgue measure using mathematica: some examples of calculation directly from its definition
Wlodzimierz Wojas, Jan Krupa, Jaroslaw Bojarski
págs. 103-104
CAS in teaching basics of stereoscopy
Benjamin Jurell, Donna Walker, Tatiana Millyäri, Aleksandr Millyäri
págs. 105-106
New algorithms for computeer homology of finite topological scpaces
Julian L. Cuevas Rozo, Laureano Lambán Pardo , Ana Romero Ibáñez
, Humberto Sarria Zapata
págs. 108-112
Maximal stable homological regions and AT-models
Helena Molina Abril, Pedro Real Jurado , Fernando Díaz del Río
pág. 113
Computing homotopy information of 4D digital objects in parallel
Pedro Real Jurado , Fernando Díaz del Río
, Helena Molina Abril, Darian Onchis Moaca, Sergio Blanco Trejo
pág. 114
págs. 115-116
On the numerical analysis and visualisation of implicit ODEs
págs. 119-120
pág. 121
The construction of averaged semi-analytical planetary motion theory up to third degree of planetary masses by mean CAS piranha
Alexander Perminov, Eduard Kuznestov
págs. 122-123
págs. 124-125
Nonlinear oscillations os a spring pendelum at the 1 : 1: 2 resonance by normal form method
Victor Edneral, Alexander Petrov
págs. 126-127
On the estimation of complexity of trajectories in the equal-mass free-fall-three body problem
Aleksandr Mylläri, Tatiana Mylläri
pág. 128
Schutzenberger transformation on the three-dimensional young graph
Vasilii Duzhin, Nikolay Vassilev
págs. 129-130
The modeling of the effect of velocity of breakup in osculating orbital elements of the young asteroid family
Alexey Rosaev
pág. 131
Searching for periodic solutions with central simmetry in hill problem
Alexander Batkhin
págs. 132-133
Bounds for Proto-Galois Groups
Eli Amzallag, Andrey Minchenko, Gleb A. Pogudin
págs. 135-137
The global dimension of the algebras of integro-differential operators and their factors algebras
V. V. Bavula
pág. 138
Effective calculation in studying the jacobian conjecture
Pawel Bogdan
pág. 139
Formal power series solutions of first order autonomous algebraic ordinary differential equations
Sebastian Falkensteiner, Juan Rafael Sendra Pons
págs. 140-141
Dimension polynomials at the Einstein's strengh of some systems quasi-linear algebraic difference equations
Alexander Evgrafov, Alexander Levin
págs. 142-145
Computation classification of ODEs: a changelle to differential algebra?
Dmitry Lyakhov, Vladimir Gerdt, Dominic Michels
págs. 147-148
Power series solutions of systems nonlinear PDEs
Daniel Robertz
págs. 149-150
The jacobian algebras, their ideals and automorphisms
V. V. Bavula
pág. 152
On the parameter estimation problem for integro-differential models
François Boulier
págs. 153-155
Parametric b-functions for some hypergeometric ideals
Francisco Jesús Castro Jiménez , Helena Cobo Pablos
págs. 156-159
Reduction operators and completion of linear rewriting systems
Cyrille Chenavier
pág. 160
Observability and orders of derivatives of data
Sette Diop
pág. 161
Effective criterion to test differential trascendence of special functions
Carlos Arreche, Thomas Dreyfus, Julien Roques
págs. 162-163
Rota's classification problem, rewriting systems and Gröbner-Shirshov bases
Li Guo
pág. 164
Simbolic computation for integro-differential-time-delay operators with matrix coefficients
Thomas Cluzeau, Jamal Hossein Poor, Alban Quadrat
págs. 165-166
Low-order recombinations of C-Finite sequences
Maximilian Jaroschek, Manuel Kauers, Laura Kovács
pág. 167
Some properties and invariants of multivariate difference-differencial dimensions polynomials
Alexander Levin
págs. 168-169
Computer algebra and the Lanczos problems in arbitrary dimension
Jean-Francois Pommaret
pág. 170
Algebraic proofs of operator identities
Jamal Hossein Poor, Clemens G. Raab, Georg Regensburger
pág. 171
Definite integration of D-finite functions via generalized hermite reduction
Alin Bostan, Frédéric Chyzak, Pierre Lairez
pág. 172
Solution of non homgeneous ordinary differential equations using parametric integral method
Thierry Dana-Picard
págs. 173-176
Desingularitzation in the q-Weil algebra
Christoph Koutschan, Yi Zhang
págs. 177-178
A new approach to automated study of isotopic curves
Thierry Dana-Picard, Zoltán Kovács
págs. 180-182
págs. 183-186
Exploration of dual curves using dynamic geometry and computer algebra system
Roman Hasek
págs. 187-190
Issues and challenges about instrumental proof
Setsuo Takato, Satoshi Yamashita, José A. Vallejo
págs. 191-192
The enumeration of hermitian self-dual cyclic codes over finite chain rings
Arunwan Boripan, Somphomg Jitman, Patanee Udomkavanich
págs. 198-199
Binary isodual codes having an automorphism of odd prime order
Stefka Bouyuklieva
págs. 200-203
Muiplying dimension in abelian codes
José Joaquín Bernal Buitrago , Diana Haidive Bueno Carreño, Juan Jacobo Simón Pinero
págs. 204-205
On the skew cyclic codes and the reversibility problems for DNA 4-bases
Yasemin Çengellenmis, Abdullah Dertli
pág. 206
Quantum codes from constacyclic codes over the finite ring Fp + uFp+vFp
Abdullah Dertli, Yasemin Çengellenmis
págs. 207-208
Self-dual codes over chain rings
Simon Eisenbarth, Gabriele Nebe
págs. 209-212
Constracyclic and cyclic codes over the class of finite rings F2k +uF2k + U2F2k + vF2k
G. Gözde Güzel, Abdullah Dertli, Yasemin Çengellenmis
págs. 213-214
Cyclic structures in convolutional codes and free distance
José Gómez Torrecillas , F.J. Lobillo Borrero
, Gabriel Navarro Garulo
págs. 215-217
Generalized hamming weights of binary linear codes
Irene Márquez Corbella , Edgar Martínez Moro
pág. 218
On additive cyclic codes over chain rings
Edgar Martínez Moro , Kamil Otal, Ferruh Özbudak
pág. 219
págs. 220-221
Computer algebra tales on Goppa codes and McEliece cryptography
Narcís Sayols, Sebastián Xambó Descamps
págs. 222-223
págs. 224-225
Satisfiability modulo theory in finding the distance distribution of binary constraines arrays
Putranto Utromo
pág. 226
An overview on marked bases and applications
Cristina Bertone
págs. 228-231
Fitting a sphere to point cloud data via computer algebra
Robert H. Lewis, Béla Paláncz, Joseph L. Awange
págs. 232-233
Resultants, implicit parametrizations, and intersections of surfaces
Robert H. Lewis
págs. 234-237
págs. 238-240
Computations methods of b-functions associated with µ-constant deformations-case of inner modality2
Katsusuke Nabeshim, Shinichi Tajima
págs. 241-244
An Algorithm for Computing Grothendieck Local Residues II: General Case
Katsuyoshi Ohara, Shinichi Tajima
págs. 245-248
A canonical representation of continuity of the roots of parametric zero dimensional multi-variate polynomial ideal
Yosuke Sato, Ryoya Fukasaku, Hiroshi Sekigawa
págs. 249-251
An effective method for computing Grothendieck point residues
Shinichi Tajima, Katsusuke Nabeshim
págs. 252-255
Border basis, Hilbert scheme of points and flats deformations
págs. 256-257
págs. 258-259
Computing and using minimal polynomials
John Abbott, Anna M. Bigatti , Elisa Palezzato, Lorenzo Robbiano
págs. 260-262
Combinatories of ideal of points: a Cerlienco-Mureddu-like approach for an iterative lex game
Michela Ceria, Teo Mora
págs. 263-266
Subschemes of the border basis scheme
Martin Kreuzer, Le Ngoc Long, Lorenzo Robbiano
págs. 267-269
Fast Gröbner basis computation and polynomial reduction in the generic bivariate case
Joris van der Hoeven, Robin Larreieu
pág. 270
De Nugis Groebnerialium 5: Noether, Macaulay, Jordan
Teo Mora
págs. 271-274
Solving and bonding 0-dimensional ideas: Möller, algorithm and Macaulay bases
Teo Mora
págs. 275-278
On the computation of algebraic relations of bivariate polynomials
Simone Naldi, Vincent Neiger, Grace Younes
págs. 279-280
Computing recurrence relations of n-dimensional sequences using dual of ideals
Angelos A. Mantzaflaris, Hamid Rahkooy, Éric Schost
págs. 281-283
Special properties of Zero dimensional ideals: new algorithms
págs. 284-285
Signature-based for computing weak Gröbner bases over PIDs
Thibaut Verron, Maria Francis
págs. 286-288
Symbolic-numeric methods for simulation of cosserat rods
Dmitry Lyakhov
pág. 291
A symbolic-numeric method to determinate symmetri of approximate differential equations
Zahra Mohammadi, Greg Reid
págs. 291-292
Challenges in numerical differential algebra
Greg Reid, Zahra Mohammadi
pág. 293
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