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Moduli of curves

Imagen de portada del libro Moduli of curves

Información General

  • Autores: Joe Harris, Ian Morrison
  • Editores: New York [etc. : Springer, [1998
  • Año de publicación: 1998
  • País: Estados Unidos
  • Idioma: inglés
  • ISBN: 0-387-98438-0
  • Texto completo no disponible (Saber más ...)


  • A guide to a rich and fascinating subject: algebraic curves and how they vary in families. Providing a broad but compact overview of the field, this book is accessible to readers with a modest background in algebraic geometry. It develops many techniques, including Hilbert schemes, deformation theory, stable reduction, intersection theory, and geometric invariant theory, with the focus on examples and applications arising in the study of moduli of curves. From such foundations, the book goes on to show how moduli spaces of curves are constructed, illustrates typical applications with the proofs of the Brill-Noether and Gieseker-Petri theorems via limit linear series, and surveys the most important results about their geometry ranging from irreducibility and complete subvarieties to ample divisors and Kodaira dimension. With over 180 exercises and 70 figures, the book also provides a concise introduction to the main results and open problems about important topics which are not covered in detail.

Otros catálogos


  • I Parameter spaces: constructions and examples II Basic facts about moduli spaces of curves III Techniques IV Construction of M_g V Limit Linear Series and the Brill-Noether Theory VI Geometry of moduli spaces: Selected Results

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