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Resumen de Progress in industrial mathematics at ECMI 2006

Luis Bonilla

  • The 14th European Conference for Mathematics in Industry held in Madrid focused on aerospace, information and communications, materials, energy and environment, imaging, biology and biotechnology, life sciences, and finance. In addition, the conference also delved into education in industrial mathematics and web learning.

    Attendees came from all over the world to share and debate their findings. The proceedings published in this volume give you a dynamic overview of the importance of mathematical modeling, analysis, and numerical methods in understanding and solving problems in industry.

    A broad variety of researchers will find the proceedings of great value. Mathematicians will find the presentation of real problems from business and industry, coupled with solutions via innovative numerical and mathematical techniques, a source of fresh ideas and inspiration. Applied engineers and scientists will discover new ideas and techniques to help them understand and solve tough problems as well. Finally, educators can apply discussions of novel teaching experiences in devising curricula that include industrial mathematics and web learning.

Fundación Dialnet

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