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Resumen de V2G-QUESTS integrating vehicle-to-grid technologies for equitable and sustainable transitions in positive energy districts

Ana María Macarulla Árbol académico, Cruz E. Borges Hernández Árbol académico, Asier Divassson Jaureguibarria, J. Ignacio García

  • The Vehicle to Grid for Equitable Zero-Emission Transitions in positive energy districts (V2G-QUESTS) project is presented as a pioneering and crucial initiative in the context of a fair and equitable digital transition. In a world where technological development faces the challenge of mitigating environmental degradation caused by climate change, V2G-QUESTS stands out in preventing the unequal or harmful development of technologies such as Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) in urban environments, particularly in socially disadvantaged communities, betting on social equity in the adoption of advanced technologies.

    The essence of V2G-QUESTS lies in its holistic approach that integrates social sciences to understand how technological innovations impact and are shaped by social, economic, and cultural structures. The project commits to ensuring that the transition to sustainable energy systems and mobility technologies is not only environmentally sustainable but also socially just and accessible to all strata of society.

    To discern the impact of the urban transition to this new technological model, an urban simulation environment based on Multi-Agent Systems will be developed, which will replicate social behavior at different degrees and case studies across the European territory. This approach allows an interdisciplinary analysis of the interactions and the impact of V2G technology in different social and technical spheres, enabling regional organizations and institutions to adapt to the future needs of their inhabitants.

    This task involves integrating into a multi-agent system a detailed model of the electrical energy system, as well as a model of daily transportation needs, a model of transportation mode selection that includes driving behavior and the interaction of drivers with V2G technologies, and a model of social impact on the various agents involved. Orchestrating all these models will allow capturing the complexity of the interactions between different agents, such as energy providers, electric vehicle users, and network operators to ensure that the simulations reflect realistic scenarios and provide valuable insights into how users can interact with the V2G system.

    To achieve these objectives, it is necessary to specify the main characteristics to be embodied in each scenario to be specified, considering the three urban dimensions; society, economy and technical infrastructure. The present study focuses its efforts on specifying these vital characteristics for the specification of the scenarios.

Fundación Dialnet

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