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Resumen de I-optimal designs for antoines equation: A genetic algorithm approach

Carlos de la Calle Arroyo, Miguel Ángel González Fernández Árbol académico, Jesús López Fidalgo Árbol académico, Licesio Jesús Rodríguez Aragón Árbol académico

  • In the distillation processes it is very important to know precisely the relationship between temperature and vapor pressure. The vapor pressures not only depend on the temperature but vary enormously for di erent substances.

    The study of optimal designs for the estimation of the parameters of Antoine equation, according to the I-optimality criterion is shown. It is particularly interesting for this model due to the importance of prediction on boundary regions of the space of the design, which usually correspond to the proximity of state change points.

    Genetic algorithms are one of the several nature-inspired algorithms, mainly used for the calculation of optimal solutions to problems that are hard to solve through direct algorithms. A genetic algorithm that nd optimizes the designs presented in this work has been developed.

Fundación Dialnet

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