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Resumen de Kirol-testuinguruak Lehen Hezkuntzako matematikako problemetan, ikasleen motibagai

Danel Bouzo, Elena Agirre Basurko

  • English

    The research presented in this article analyzes whether the use of sports contexts in problems can increase the motivation of Primary School students towards mathematics.

    For this purpose, a case study research has been carried out with fifth grade students of a school in the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country in the 2022/2023 school year. Mathematical problems in a sports context have been designed and treated in the school, using real data and incorporating Basque sports. The students state that they like sports, not so much mathematics, and less mathematical problems. Significant gender differences were observed in the study. In conclusion, it can be stated that, in general, the use of close and realistic sports contexts has increased the students' motivation towards mathematics.

  • euskara

    Artikulu honetan aurkezten den ikerlanean, kirol-testuinguruak problemetan erabiltzeak Lehen Hezkuntzako ikasleek matematikarekiko motibazioa handitu dezakeenetz aztertu da. Horretarako, kasu azterketan oinarritutako ikerketa gauzatu da Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoko eskola bateko bosgarren mailako ikasleekin 2022/2023 ikasturtean. Kiroltestuingurudun matematikako problemak diseinatu eta eskolan landu dira, datu errealak erabiliz eta euskal kirolak txertatuz. Ikasleek adierazi dute gustuko dutela kirola, ez hainbeste matematika, eta gutxiago matematikako problemak. Genero ezberdintasun adierazgarriak nabaritu dira egindako azterketan. Ondorio modura baiezta daiteke, oro har, kirol-testuinguru hurbilak eta errealistak erabiltzeak ikasleen matematikarekiko motibazioa areagotu duela.

Fundación Dialnet

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