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Resumen de Basic Arithmetic Calculations Through Virus-Based Machines

Antonio Ramírez de Arellano, David Orellana Martín Árbol académico, Mario de Jesús Pérez Jiménez Árbol académico

  • In Natural Computing, several models of computation based on processes occurring in nature exist. While some of them are well-established computing framework, there are some types of devices that are underdeveloped. This is the case of Virus Machines, framework inspired by the movement of viruses between hosts, and how can they be replicated while certain events happen. The relevance of this work lies in the formal definition of the framework and both the insights presented about the formal verification of the different designs and the possible new research lines.In this work, Virus Machines are studied from a numerical point of view. In this sense, five different devices regarding the four basic arithmetic operators are created, and some insights about the proofs of their correctness are stated. While addition, subtraction and multiplication require only of one device, for division two different machines will be designed: one for the quotient of the division and the other for the remainder.

Fundación Dialnet

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