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Resumen de PPINOT: A Performance Management Solution for Process Oriented Organizations

Adela del Río Ortega Árbol académico, Manuel Resinas Arias de Reyna Árbol académico, Antonio Ruiz Cortés Árbol académico

  • Nowadays, organisations face the challenge not onlyto effectively and efficiently perform their business processes, butalso to improve them to adapt to new requirements imposed bya continuously changing market. A key aspect to identify theimprovement points is to conduct a performance management,which involves defining appropriate PPIs (Process PerformanceIndicators), as it is also suggested in many methodologies andframeworks like, for instance, COBIT, ITIL or EFQM. Up todate, different approaches have been proposed to define andanalyse PPIs, but none of them allows defining unambiguousand highly expressive PPIs, understandable by technical and nontechnicalusers and traceable with the Business Process (BP). Weaddress this challenge by presenting PPINOT a set of techniquesand tools aimed at allowing such PPI definitions by means ofboth, a graphical notation and a template-based notation thatuses linguistic patterns. It also provides support for both: theautomated analysis of such definitions, allowing to extract implicitinformation from these PPIs and their relationships with the BP;and their values’ computation.

Fundación Dialnet

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