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Crowdfunding in the production of video games in Spain: Evolution and success on kickstarter

  • Juan-Salvador Victoria-Mas [1] ; Eva-María Ramos-Ábalos [2] ; José-Borja Arjona-Martín [2]
    1. [1] Universidad de Málaga

      Universidad de Málaga

      Málaga, España

    2. [2] Universidad de Granada

      Universidad de Granada

      Granada, España

  • Localización: Comunicación y sociedad = Communication & Society, ISSN-e 2386-7876, ISSN 0214-0039, Vol. 36, Nº. 4, 2023, págs. 117-133
  • Idioma: inglés
  • DOI: 10.15581/
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • This research addresses the use of crowdfunding platforms for the development of video games in Spain. It is part of the group of platform-centred research in order to develop a quantitative analysis of the data contained in them. Specifically, the data provided by Kickstarter for Spanish video game development projects is analysed. Normality tests indicated that the variables do not follow a normal distribution, hence non-parametric tests were used. The success rate of Spanish campaigns is 28.4% for the total number of cases, 40.8% in 2020, which is a steady growth since 2015. The average funding is €16,586.76, €50,056.67 for successful campaigns; however, the median indicates that 50% of the sample does not exceed €1,653 in funding. Regression models are used to develop equations to calculate the amount of funding needed to publish on PC and console, and the number of backers needed to achieve a given amount of funding.

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