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Some extensions of the modular method and Fermat equations of signature (13,13,n)

  • Billerey, Nicolas [5] ; Chen, Imin [1] ; Dembélé, Lassina [2] ; Dieulefait, Luis [3] ; Freitas, Nuno [4]
    1. [1] Simon Fraser University

      Simon Fraser University


    2. [2] University of Luxembourg

      University of Luxembourg


    3. [3] Universitat de Barcelona

      Universitat de Barcelona

      Barcelona, España

    4. [4] Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas

      Instituto de Ciencias Matemáticas

      Madrid, España

    5. [5] Université Clermont Auvergne
  • Localización: Publicacions matematiques, ISSN 0214-1493, Vol. 67, Nº 0, 2023, págs. 715-741
  • Idioma: inglés
  • DOI: 10.5565/publmat6722309
  • Enlaces
  • Resumen
    • We provide several extensions of the modular method which were motivated by the problem of completing previous work to prove that, for any integer n ≥ 2, the equation x13 + y 13 = 3zn has no non-trivial primitive solutions. In particular, we present four elimination techniques which are based on: (1) establishing reducibility of certain residual Galois representations over a totally real field; (2) generalizing image of inertia arguments to the setting of abelian surfaces; (3) establishing congruences of Hilbert modular forms without the use of often impractical Sturm bounds; and (4) a unit sieve argument which combines information from classical descent and the modular method. The extensions are of broader applicability and provide further evidence that it is possible to obtain a complete resolution of a family of generalized Fermat equations by remaining within the framework of the modular method. As a further illustration of this, we complete a theorem of Anni–Siksek to show that, for `, m ≥ 5, the only primitive solutions to the equation x 2` + y 2m = z 13 are trivial.

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