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Resumen de The e -Optimality Conditions for Multiple Objective Fractional Programming Problems for Generalized (ρ, η) - Invexity of Higher Order

Ram U. Verma

  • español

    Motivado por investigaciones recientes en la literatura, se introduce un marco general para una clase de funciones (ρ, η)-invex n-set de orden superior y se exploran algunos resultados sobre condiciones de epsilon-optimalidad para objetivos multiples fraccionales de subconjuntos de programación. Los resultados obtenidos son de naturaleza general, dado que generalizan y unifican resultados sobre invexity generalizada e invexity generalizada de orden superior en el contexto de la programacion multiple fraccionaria.

  • English

    Motivated by the recent investigations in literature, a general framework for a class of (ρ, η) -invex n-set functions of higher order is introduced, and then some results on the e-optimality conditions for multiple objective fractional subset programming are explored. The obtained results are general in nature, while generalize and unify results on generalized invexity as well as on generalized invexity of higher order to the context of multiple fractional programming.

Fundación Dialnet

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