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Resumen de MusicFactory: Application of a Convolutional Neural Network for the Generation of Soundscapes from Images

Juan José Navarro Cáceres, André Filipe Sales Mendes, Hector Sánchez San Blas, Gabriel Villarrubia González Árbol académico, María Navarro Cáceres

  • A soundscape is a sound description of a concrete environment. Therefore, the soundscapes are always connected to a visual component, as it might capture sounds from an urban city, a countryside, or a domestic place. In this work, we present a system that generate soundscapes from images. Firstly, we recognize some objects in the image. In a second step the system searches the most adequate sounds according to the entities identified in the picture. Finally, a soundscape is synthesized by combining the short sound files found. The results obtained according to the subjective evaluation are promising and encouraging to deepen our research in the soundscape generation.

Fundación Dialnet

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