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Resumen de Dos experiencias de inmersión virtual en asignaturas de matemáticas para primeros cursos de primaria y universidad

Lorena Segura Abad, Claudia Galiano Segura

  • Traditionally, mathematics has been taught with a non practical point of view. Contents have no connection with reality. Nowadays, a change is needed to adapt the learning progress and make this subject more manipulative and experimental. As an answer to these demands, augmented or virtual reality technologies can be used. Augmented reality allows users to add artificial elements to reality. Besides, virtual reality gives a complete immersion in a digital world with all its dimensions. For the first grades of Primary Education, geometry teaching has been focused on definitions. This is not coherent with the evolutionary moment of the students because they have not developed the abstraction ability. With virtual reality in the school, teachers can help student’s spatial perception to understand two-dimensionality and three-dimensionality. Furthermore, university education lacks knowledge from previous levels. Also, there is a need to increase the student’s scientific culture. That is why QR codes are a good solution to improve teaching and autonomous students’ work.

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