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Resumen de Interurban Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Through Genetic Algorithms

Jaume Magí Jordán Prunera Árbol académico, Pasqual Martí Gimeno, Javier Palanca Cámara, Vicente J. Julián Inglada Árbol académico, Vicente J. Botti Navarro Árbol académico

  • Electric vehicles are one of the strongest ways for society to stop contributing to greenhouse gas emissions. However, for their use to become regular, a good infrastructure of charging stations is needed, allowing a similar convenience to that offered by fossil fuel stations. Our work approaches the location of charging stations to create a nationwide infrastructure. In this case, we focus on Spain and using genetic algorithms, we search for and evaluate different configurations according to the number of stations desired. Our results show that, with 250 stations, an initial infrastructure that covers most of the territory can be developed.

Fundación Dialnet

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