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Resumen de An approach of design thinking with business analytics at higher education

Irene Martín Rubio, María del Carmen González Velasco Árbol académico, Fiorela Anai Fernández Otoya, Thais Rangel, Elcio Mendonça Tachizawa Árbol académico

  • The aim of this study is to identify and present an exciting model fordeveloping Design Thinking in the data-drive culture of XXI century thatcan be used in Higher Education. Design Thinking (DT) enables to link’student’s perception, rational analysis, technical, cultural and commercialfactors to market opportunities. Business Analytics (BA) providestechniques to handle not only data, but also Big Data that can improve anddevelop DT activities. However, a systematic and detailed discussion of theapplication of DT with BA is missing at higher education. For this purpose,we present the development of the concept of DT with its four key phases(i.e., understanding, inspiration, ideation and implementation) with BA.Finally, boundary conditions, practical implications and opportunities forfurther research are pointed out

Fundación Dialnet

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