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Resumen de Educational reform informatisation based on fractional differential equation

Shuai Man, Hongjie Yang

  • In order to solve the problem that the image processing time is too long in the use of the original college educationinformation power method, therefore, the design of the fractional differential equation of higher education informationpower method was created. According to the information source, a combination of various methods is set to complete thedata collection. Compared with the content of fractional differential equation, the fractional differential equation is selectedto complete the image information processing, develop the processing process and select the appropriate equipment tocomplete the image processing, set up the experimental equipment, and select the experimental samples to obtain theexperimental results. Compared with the original method, the image processing time of this method is significantly shorterthan that of the original method. Therefore, this method is more efficient for image processing and has a more obviouseffect on the informatisation of university educatio

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