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Resumen de Ecological balance model of effective utilization of agricultural water resources based on fractional differential equations

Yanfeng Li

  • Water is a key factor that controls the evolution of the ecosystem and restricts social and economic development. The ratio-nal allocation of water resources is the basis for the basin’s sustainable use of water resources. The article uses fractionaldifferential equations to discuss the increasingly prominent contradictions between supply and demand of agricultural wa-ter resources, serious pollution and overexploitation, the decline in groundwater level and water quality, low agriculturalwater efficiency, and serious waste from the perspective of sustainable development. Second, the article classifies the indexsystem of the water resources carrying capacity evaluation model. Finally, model the resource balance of water supplyand water demand in the irrigation area. The study found that the water quantity analysis and determination of the ir-rigation area will have important guiding significance for implementing the irrigation area’s continued construction andwater-saving transformation. The allocation and utilization of water resources in farmland irrigation areas will tend to berationalized. This will greatly improve the water-saving efficiency of irrigation districts.

Fundación Dialnet

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