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Resumen de The art design of industrialised manufacturing furniture products based on the simulation of mathematical curves

Yue Lin, Chao Wang, Mini. Suresh, Basel Jamal Ali

  • After a lot of literature reading and practical research, the paper uses the parametric modelling method of curve simulationcharacteristic line to establish the mathematical model of the furniture product leg shape. This article first uses the surfaceconstruction method to analyse the composition of the leg size of the industrialised production and manufacture of furnitureproducts, and makes the solid modelling according to the construction method of non-uniform rational spline mathematicalcurve and surface simulation. At the same time, the parameter function of furniture leg type is set on SolidWorks, and theresearch results obtained in the paper are found by simulation, which opens up a new research path for the application ofmathematical curve model in furniture design

Fundación Dialnet

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