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Resumen de Standardized Remote Laboratories Based on Renewable Energy Sources for REOPEN European University Network

Macarena Martínez Luna, Rocío García Vivas, Francisca Segura Manzano, José Manuel Andújar Márquez Árbol académico

  • This paper presents a prominent e-learning tool that is part of the collaborative European project RE-OPEN (Ref. 2020-1-IT02-KA226-HE-095424). Focused on the European energy transition and the problems derivatives from COVID-19, this project offers an educational tool to bring the digital transition to higher education. To undertake such challenge, the University of Huelva has implemented a remote laboratory based on supercapacitor power bank. This laboratory will help students to acquire knowledge from a distance. As a remote laboratory, it ensures complete accessibility and availability to users from every part in the world, requiring fewer resources and contributing to the democratization of education.

Fundación Dialnet

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