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Resumen de Crecimiento económico y turismo en América Latina y el Caribe: un análisis comparativo mediante técnicas de simbolización y agrupamiento de datos

Juan Gabriel Brida, Martín Olivera, Verónica Segarra Salgueiro

  • español

    El presente trabajo estudia la dinámica del crecimiento económico y el turismo, para 22 países de América Latina y el Caribe, entre 1995-2015. Los indicadores utilizados son la tasa de crecimiento del PIB per cápita, el gasto de los turistas por habitante y los arribos internacionales por habitante. Utilizando el concepto de régimen económico, se construyen series temporales simbólicas, y mediante un análisis de clúster se detectan grupos homogéneos de países. Se identifican dos grupos de países, uno de alto y otro de bajo turismo. La evolución temporal de estos grupos no muestra una trayectoria de convergencia.

  • English

    The relationship between tourism and economic growth have been a common in- terest in the modern literature. The Tourism Led Growth Hypothesis was one of the most important contribution finding this relation where tourism development boost economic growth increasing investment, consumption, and employment levels. However, there are too many literatures that try to prove this relationship in different countries or regions;

    and they find different results.

    This paper studies the dynamics of economic growth and tourism evolution for 22 Latin America and the Caribbean countries during the period 1995-2015.The variables representing economic growth are growth rates of per capita GDP, and for tourism, inter- national tourist arrivals per inhabitant and international tourist expenditure per inhabitant.

    With these variables obtained from different data sources, we carry out a comparative analysis for tourism performance considering the international tourist expenditure per inhabitant firstly, and international tourist arrivals per inhabitant, lately.

Fundación Dialnet

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